Legislature Poised to Gut Tenant Protections With Housing Deal
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. – On behalf of grassroots organization For the Many, Political Director Brahvan Ranga released the following statement regarding reports that the legislature is close to reaching a housing deal, joining Housing Justice for All in denouncing the deal:
“It appears the Governor and Democratic leadership in the state legislature are prepared to betray voters who gave them a supermajority by rolling back critical tenant protections and leaving tenants out in the cold. Should the legislature agree to a deal that weakens the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 and includes both the 485-x tax break and massive concessions on Good Cause Eviction, it would deny hundreds of thousands of renters basic protections while enriching predatory landlords and developers.
“The proposed ‘deal’ is no deal at all. It is a clear giveaway to corporate landlords and developers, and it is unacceptable. For the Many has been fighting alongside tenants and housing activists for years to secure Good Cause Eviction and other critical measures that would give renters a modicum of defense against actions like retaliatory eviction and exorbitant rent hikes. This deal would abandon our members as well as tenants across the state, and would undermine efforts to keep rents down in upstate cities through the Emergency Tenant Protection Act.
“Once again, Kathy Hochul and legislative leaders have demonstrated that they will always prioritize the interests of wealthy donors over the needs of everyday New Yorkers. But the deal is not done yet. We urge our elected officials to walk away from this proposed deal and stand with the tenants they represent.
“It is unconscionable to push people out of their homes so developers and landlords can put more money in their pockets. Accepting this deal would lead to more displacement, more evictions, and more rent increases—all so a greedy few can continue to make a profit. Profits don’t come without a cost. If this is the deal the legislature reaches, voters will not forget it when they head to the polls.”