Good cause eviction has momentum leading into 2022
After efforts to get legislation passed to limit when a landlord can evict tenants and raise rents failed to move in Albany earlier this year, housing advocates went local. Over the summer, they began organizing to pass so-called good cause eviction bills in upstate cities, aiming to enact municipal protections as the statewide fight continued. In a few short months, advocates saw success – four cities, including Albany and Poughkeepsie, enacted good cause eviction laws. “It’s been surprising in some ways how quickly these local good cause campaigns have moved,” said Brahvan Ranga, a political organizer with the housing group For the Many, which helped mobilize those upstate campaigns.
That local success has given the statewide push for new tenant protections fresh momentum. The fight for good cause laws represents a fairly unique situation with municipal movements paving the way for potential statewide action. And advocates and some lawmakers alike feel confident that 2022 will be the year for landmark housing reforms.