Editorial: Good Cause to Evict Hinchey From the Senate?
For the Many, the local housing advocate group that staged the March 8 demonstration and vow many more to come, say Hinchey’s one of the most vocal opponents of the bill behind closed doors. We have no way to independently confirm this as she has consistently met media requests for comment with silence. “Let them eat static,” someone said in a movie once; it sounds appropriate to use here, especially since she delegated the job of talking to For the Many about the matter to a subordinate.
But both Hinchey and Hochul point to other housing initiatives they say will relieve, if not cure, the housing crisis we find ourselves in. Just two days after the Catskill confrontation, her office put out a press release trumpeting a proposed $200 million for seven programs ranging from rental assistance to help for smaller landlords to helping senior citizens fix unsafe conditions in their homes. All of which we like, but none of which are as fundamental to housing security as Good Cause Eviction.