KINGSTON, N.Y. — Fresh off an upset victory over a veteran Ulster County legislator, the Mid-Hudson Valley chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America and the group For the Many have set their sites on a new political target: state Assemblyman Kevin Cahill.
In a joint statement released Monday, the two groups announced their support for Sarahana Shrestha, a community activist and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, as a candidate for the Assembly’s 103rd District seat.
“The status quo in Albany is not working for families in the Hudson Valley,” Jonathan Bix, executive director for For the Many (formerly Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson), said in announcing the group’s support of Shrestha, who lives in the town of Esopus.
Bix said that while the Democratic supermajority in Albany affords the opportunity for “transformative change” in state policies, those efforts have been blocked by incumbents more beholden to corporations and wealthy donors than working families.
“This moment demands political courage, something that Sarahana has shown her entire life,” Bix said.