Barbara Hill’s First Ward Seat Challenged by Tenants Union Member
KINGSTON – Hours after the Common Council voted on a controversial resolution clearing the path for an affordable housing deal at a city housing complex, a progressive advocacy group opposed to the agreement announced that it would support a primary challenge to Democratic councilmember Barbara Hill.
In a press release issued late Wednesday night, For the Many announced that they would back Stony Run resident Charlotte Lloyd for the Democratic Party nomination for Hill’s First Ward seat. “Charlotte is going to win,” said Jonathan Bix, Executive Director of For the Many. “As a Kingston resident, I can tell you that we’re tired of elected officials who prioritize corporate landlords over our neighbors. That’s true for homeowners like me and for renters like Charlotte. And as a part of For the Many, I can tell you that we will continue to primary and beat people who are supposed to represent all of us but choose to do the bidding of a greedy few instead.”
Lloyd is a 25-year-old cashier at Adams Fairacre Farms and a Door Dash delivery driver. According to the statement issued by For the Many, she’s also a member of the Stony Run Tenants Union who helped organize fellow tenants to lobby the city’s Rent Guidelines Board for a 15 percent rent reduction at the complex and other properties covered by the Emergency Tenant Protection Act. The statement says that, if elected, Lloyd will advocate for making the ETPA permanent without the need for periodic vacancy surveys to determine if Kingston is still in a “housing emergency” as defined by the state tenant rights law.
The statement added that Lloyd will work to fund affordable housing, ban vacation rentals and end tax breaks for rental property owners. “I’m running because we all deserve to live in a community where families can play outside, seniors can enjoy their retirement, and no one has to stress about how they’re going to make rent,” said Lloyd in the statement.
“We all deserve a roof over our heads, a floor under our feet, and somewhere to call home. And we all deserve to afford living in Kingston.”
Hill, who is running for a second two-year term on the council, already has the endorsement of the City of Kingston Democratic Committee. Lloyd will need to gather enough petition signatures to qualify for a spot on the June 27 primary ballot. No Republican has come forward to seek the First Ward seat. Hill was not immediately available for comment on Thursday.