Campaign Seeks to Ban Vacation Rentals in Region
NEWBURGH – The Hudson Valley short term rental housing market is exploding; however, the benefits of the unprecedented growth are not trickling down to many.
“Outside, absentee investors, who don’t live in or even nearby to the properties they are renting out, are coming here to places like Newburgh just to make a profit and not contribute to the economy,” explained Brahvan Ranga, Political Director for the grassroots group, For the Many, who held a public kickoff event Thursday afternoon to elaborate upon their dedicated and unwavering mission to put specific legislation, which includes severe penalties, in place to thwart these unacceptable business tactics affecting not only Newburgh, but many of its surrounding neighbors.
Surrounded by a large contingent of For the Many members as well as political dignitaries, who could be seen elevating signs reading: “Homes are not Hotels” and “Community over Profit,” Ranga further delineated how these upcoming, proposed legal safeguards would not apply to all short term rental owners, simply those renting out entire properties and residing completely off-site.
“This fight will not be an easy one, but take a look at who is behind me,” reminded Ranga, who further explained the hard work and battle that lie ahead on a critical journey likely to meet harsh resistance and take at least six months. At the core lies protecting the basic rights of residents who live in these cities, Newburgh, Kingston and Poughkeepsie, where the legislation will initially be proposed.”