Statement on end of 2022 Legislative Session
It is unacceptable that with Democratic supermajorities, our state legislature refused to take significant action on climate, housing, healthcare, decarceration, and immigrant rights. And it is why Democratic incumbents who chose to side with corporations and billionaires over everyday New Yorkers will continue to face primary challenges.
Speaker Heastie chose fossil fuel campaign donations and to cave to fearmongering instead of bringing the Build Public Renewables Act and Clean Slate Act to a vote, despite the bills having the support needed to pass the Assembly after passing the Senate.
While we applaud the Senate’s passage of those bills (and we thank Senators James Skoufis and Michelle Hinchey for their votes in favor) neither chamber advanced Good Cause Eviction, the New York Health Act, or Excluded No More – legislation we need to tackle our housing, healthcare, and economic crises.
That long-time Democratic incumbents who claim significant experience and influence continue to lack the will or ability to fight for and win what New Yorkers desperately need is exactly why we need to elect community organizers and fighters like Sarahana Shrestha to the legislature – who will choose to champion the needs of everyday New Yorkers over the interests of the wealthy and well-connected.