3 months: 1,067 voters registered
We surpassed our Immigrants Vote! campaign goal of registering 1,000 voters!
But our work is not over yet. There is so much at stake in the upcoming mid-term election. In the Hudson Valley, there are several battleground races that will determine the future of New York State. These races can be decided by a couple hundred — but will impact each and every one of us. That’s why we need people to vote. That’s why we need to increase voter turnout.
That’s why we’re making 10,000 calls and texts over the next 3 weeks.
Here’s where you come in — you can make calls from home, from another state, or from our office to talk with Hudson Valley voters about the upcoming election. No experience needed. We’ll provide you with all the technology, tools, and training you need to get started.
Will you work with us to Get The Vote Out in the Hudson Valley?
We didn’t register 1,067 voters on our own. We worked with over 50 volunteers and a number of organizations including the New York Civic Engagement Table, Dutchess County Progressive Action Alliance, and Democracy Matters.
And we won’t make 10,000 calls and texts on our own either. We hope that you will join our growing team of volunteers, at whatever capacity you have to offer, from whichever city you’re located in.
When we fight together, we win — so fight with us!