A Whistleblower at Central Hudson!
Today, we are submitting an official petition calling on the Public Service Commission to investigate Central Hudson.
For months we have been filing legal complaints one by one, and seeing patterns of violations and racial inequality. Now, we’ve received an anonymous letter from a Central Hudson employee.
This employee’s allegations, which include a failure to follow required shut-off procedures (especially in cases of medical conditions) and racially discriminatory collections practices, have helped us connect the dots between the way Central Hudson operates and the issues we are facing daily.
Last week, we met with the Chief Consumer Advocate and raised these critical issues. It was a productive meeting, and the first step on a long journey. If Central Hudson has nothing to hide, they should welcome an investigation, and work with the community and the regulator to ensure compliance with the law.
The whistleblower came to us, because, as they said in their letter, we are the only organization that is standing up to Central Hudson.